There is a strong relationship between levels of employee wellbeing and motivation and performance. “Your brain at positive is 31% more productive than your brain at negative, neutral or stressed”, Shawn Achor, author of ‘The Happiness Advantage’.
Employer recommendations
➖Cocreate solutions and preventative measures. Take time to listen to employees.
'Rather than continued investment in wellbeing programs designed to treat the symptoms of employee stress and burnout, HR leaders should adopt three key strategies that can address the issues impacting employee wellness: radical flexibility, proactive rest and vocal culture', 3 Strategies to Address the Employee Well-Being Crisis, Gartner:
'Radical Flexibility: Employees can only leverage the benefits of flexibility when organizations actively encourage employees to decide what arrangements work best for them. Standard flexibility allows employees to decide when they work and where they work from. Radical flexibility, on the other hand, allows employees to also decide with whom they can work, what they can work on and also how much they work on.
Proactive Rest: Employees require sufficient rest to recover from exhaustion and fatigue, and most importantly, disconnect from work. When rest is proactively made available, accessible and appropriate, it not only helps prevent burnout but also enhances employee performance by 26%.9 Organizations should integrate intentional rest periods for relaxation, recuperation and rejuvenation. These should be a preemptive measure to prevent build-up of exhaustion and fatigue culminating into full-fledged burnout. A few common proactive rest practices are no-meeting days, quiet hours, rest/recharge hours and mental health leaves.
Vocal Culture: A vocal culture is when employees are actively communicating about not only logging off but also when they are leveraging radical flexibility and proactive rest. To spread a vocal culture across the organization, HR leaders should encourage employees and managers to be loud and vocal about their rest, personal time and space. Establishing a culture where employees feel comfortable declaring breaks, commitments, responsibilities and so on can help managers construct healthy team environments. Additionally, leverage calendar blocks, out of office and status messages to indicate flexibility and rest time'.
3 Strategies to Address the Employee Well-Being Crisis, Gartner.
➖The Mental Health at Work Commitment is a set of actions that any organisation can follow to improve and support the mental health of their people, pulling from the pledges and standards that are already out there, using up-to-date research, from UK employers and mental health experts.Download the introduction pack.
Further information
- re:Work - a resource developed by Google with insights into creating psychologically safe teams
- Guide: How to promote wellbeing and tackle the causes of work-related mental health problems, Mind
- Toolkit: Mental Health for Employers Toolkit, BITC
- Guide: Managing stress at work: People manager guide, CIPD
- Article: 3 Strategies to Address the Employee Well-Being Crisis (subscription required), Gartner
- Article: 7 Strategies to Improve Your Employees’ Health and Well-Being, HBR
- Article: The New Road Map To Improve Employee Well-Being, Forbes Magazine.
- Tooklkit: Preventing work-related stress, HSE
- Information Pack: The Mental Health at Work Commitment Standards